In a recent impassioned letter in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Msgr. Paul L. Bochicchio of the Archdiocese of Newark implored the leadership of the Church in the United States to address the grave injustices being committed against … [Read more...]
On 20th Anniversary of ‘The Dallas Charter’, Newark Msgr. Begs Bishops For Justice for Accused Priests
Facts Don’t Matter: Authors of Sloppy French Abuse ‘Report’ Stand by Its Figure of 300,000 Alleged Victims Despite Admitting ‘Weaknesses’
After the release of a shoddy report from France last October claiming that some "300,000" people were sexually abused by Catholic priests and lay workers in past decades, we thought we might have been the only ones to speak out … [Read more...]
Giving Comfort to the Enemy: Catholic Media Gives Life Support to Anti-Catholic Hate Group
After a scandal-ridden series of events back in 2017, you would not be alone to think that the group SNAP faded off into oblivion. Its media profile in the past few years has been practically nonexistent. But now the most anti-Catholic … [Read more...]
Monkey See, Monkey Do: Another State AG Releases an ‘Abuse Report,’ and the Media Is Hysterical – Again
Following the international frenzy three years ago surrounding the Pennsylvania grand jury report against the Catholic Church, attorneys general across the country looked on with envy at the glowing media attention that Attorney General … [Read more...]
Stick a Fork In It: Time to Finally End the Annual Copy-and-Paste Church Abuse Reports
Once again, this year's newly released annual audit report by United States bishops about abuse in the Catholic Church amplifies the rampancy of false accusations, suspicious and unprovable allegations against dead priests, dubious … [Read more...]
**MEDIA FACT SHEET** What You Didn’t Know About McCarrick’s Kooky Accuser
This coming Thursday, October 28, ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, now age 91, is scheduled to appear in Dedham District Court in Massachusetts for the second time on the charge that he sexually abused Virginia resident James Grein, now age … [Read more...]
Did Somebody Get to Somebody? New Criminal Charges Against McCarrick to Pump Value of Accuser’s Crazy Civil Suits
In August 2019, when the state of New York opened a "window" to suspend the statute of limitations and allow anyone to sue others for sexual abuse no matter how long ago, one of the very first to jump on the gravy train was … [Read more...]
Iowa Atty General Report Confirms the Obvious: Sex Abuse In Church Is Ancient History
An exhaustive report (pdf) from Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller examining alleged Catholic sex abuse dating back to the 1930s has confirmed what clearheaded folks have long known: Catholic sex abuse is a thing of the past – even if … [Read more...]
Another Wave of Falsely Accused Priests Returned to Ministry
In the past several weeks, a number of falsely accused priests were finally returned to ministry despite the extremely liberal and nebulous standards used by diocesan review boards of whether the allegations against them were deemed merely … [Read more...]