It is a completely phony claim that refuses to die simply because it's about the hated Catholic Church. In 2021, corporate media across the world tripped all over themselves to report a white-hot story that Catholic-operated schools … [Read more...]
A New Low: Bigoted Reporters at NYT and NPR Repeat Phony Story About ‘Unmarked Graves’ In Canada
Justice? Falsely Accused Priest Finally Returned To Ministry – After Eight Years!
Eight years. If you can believe it, that is how long it took for a falsely accused priest to finally return to ministry. After a scammer accused Rev. William C. Graham, a priest of the Diocese of Duluth in Minnesota, in 2016 of abusing him … [Read more...]
Lunacy Down Under: Australian Court Now Says Family of Dead Accuser Can Sue Church For Abuse That Now-Deceased Cardinal Pell Never Committed
You can't make this up. To begin, Cardinal George Pell never abused anybody. In fact, Australian law enforcement officials even admitted in court that they began an investigation into Pell in 2013 even though there were not any criminal … [Read more...]
The Great Shakedown Keeps A-Rollin’: Phony Claims Continue at Epic Pace, Here Are The Facts
The legacy media will never admit this, and the professional victims' groups will outright lie. But the facts are the facts. Bogus abuse accusations against Catholic priests are now off the charts. Fraud being perpetrated against the … [Read more...]
Same Old Story: Accused Priest Is Cleared, Boston Globe Goes Mum
The claims were ludicrous from the beginning. Middlesex District Attorney Marian T. Ryan (Massachusetts) and an anonymous accuser wanted the public to suspend all common sense and somehow believe that Rev. Msgr. Francis V. Strahan of the … [Read more...]
Ignoring the Elephant In the Room: NPR Spins the Facts In Reporting Bankruptcy of Arch. of San Francisco
Why did the Archdiocese of San Francisco just declare bankruptcy? Well, if you listened to a recent segment on taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) with host Ailsa Chang and the network's "religion correspondent" Jason … [Read more...]
Unintended Consequences: Dallas Charter Leaves Innocent Priests In Limbo
It might be human nature. Humans seem incapable of correcting one problem without overcorrecting to the point that they create another, opposite problem. So seems to be the case with the United States bishops' 2002 "Dallas … [Read more...]
Clown Show: Two More Phony State AG Reports Issued to Uncritical Media Applause
I guess it was inevitable. Following the international frenzy in the summer of 2018 surrounding the phony Pennsylvania grand jury report against the Catholic Church, publicity-seeking attorney generals across the country looked on with envy … [Read more...]
Move On, Nothing To See Here: Epidemic of Current Sex Abuse in Chicago Public Schools Barely Merits Mention By Media
As we've reported so many times before, when a report is released alleging abuse many decades ago by long-dead Catholic priests – priests who are no longer around to defend themselves – you can be sure the media will become … [Read more...]
It Ends With a Whimper: A Decade After a ‘Historic’ Trial, the Case of Wrongfully Convicted Msgr. Lynn Is Officially Over
What may be the greatest courtroom fraud ever perpetrated against the Catholic Church has finally come to an end. But unlike a decade ago when the media fell over themselves inside a packed courtroom to report the single guilty conviction … [Read more...]