Visitors to the home page of BishopAccountability.org are greeted with the name of the site and the tag line, "Documenting the Abuse Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church." Prominently displayed on the top of the home page is a … [Read more...]
Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Facts at TheMediaReport.com
Catholic Church Priest Sex Abuse Facts and Statistics
Visitors to the home page of BishopAccountability.org are greeted with the name of the site and the tag line, "Documenting the Abuse Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church." Prominently displayed on the top of the home page is a … [Read more...]
When the media needs a quote to bash the Catholic Church for abuse from a half-century ago, one predictable source it often turns to is BishopAccountability.org. The Massachusetts-based BishopAccountability.org professes to act as a sort … [Read more...]
The newly released annual audit of abuse in the Catholic Church reports that only seven credible abuse allegations were made against Catholic priests by current minors in all of 2011. Yet nationally syndicated articles from the Associated … [Read more...]
According to Al Jazeera opinion writer Rose Aguilar, United States Catholic bishops have been “given a pass on pedophilia” and “widespread child abuse scandals continue to this day.” What has prompted Aguilar to … [Read more...]
Imagine if a newspaper disproportionately and endlessly harped upon decades-old crimes committed by black people. Even if the stories were all true, people would be rightfully outraged at the paper’s overt racism in consistently and … [Read more...]
The high-profile web site BishopAccountability.org has long extolled a policy that it will not publicly post the names and cases of priests in which the accusers have recanted their claims. However, the organization continues to do this … [Read more...]
Catholic Priests Falsely Accused:
The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories
by David F. Pierre, Jr.
"This is an important topic, and not just for priests and bishops! Everyone should be concerned about this. Please check out Catholic Priests Falsely Accused: The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories."
– Rev. John T. Zuhlsdorf ("Fr. Z"), "What Does The Prayer Really Say?", wdtprs.com
"Mr. Pierre's book is an eye opener! Meticulously researched and clearly written ... a must-read."
– Rev. Kenneth Gumbert, O.P., M.F.A., Providence College
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