Church Postpones Gay-Friendly Mass, Boston Globe Flips Out

Earlier this month, the Archdiocese of Boston felt that a special mass at St. Cecilia's Church in Boston to "commemorate Boston Pride 2011" would give parishioners and the public the false impression that the Church was … [Read more...]

Politically Incorrect Maureen Dowd?: Homosexuality a Cause of Child Sex Abuse

The New York Times' Maureen Dowd's most recent anti-Catholic hit piece (Sun., 5/19/11) contains a number of falsehoods. However, her article's biggest eye-opener is her apparent claim that homosexuality is a direct cause of … [Read more...]

Boston Globe Shocker: In Moving Tribute to Falsely Accused Priest, Columnist Slams Church-Suing Lawyer

Kudos to Boston Globe columnist Brian McGrory for composing a truly moving and remarkable tribute to a falsely accused priest, Fr. Charles Murphy, who served several years at St. Francis Xavier Parish in South Weymouth (MA). A wonderful … [Read more...]

Philadelphia Catholic Clergy Abuse Trial Update

There have been a few notable developments in recent weeks in the Philadelphia clergy abuse cases. 1. The two current priests (Fr. Charles Engelhardt and Fr. James Brennan), former priest (Edward Avery), and former Catholic school teacher … [Read more...]

Research EXTRA: In 1942, Fulton Sheen Predicted the Suicide of Adolf Hitler

Wow. When researching another topic, I came across an abstract of a March 9, 1942, article from the New York Times: Hitler's death by suicide was predicted by Mgr. Fulton J. Sheen yesterday in his third Lenten sermon at solemn mass … [Read more...]