John Manly Voices Falsehoods About Church Abuse Scandal

During the five o'clock hour of the March 20, 2007, episode of the John & Ken radio show on KFI:

1. Attorney John Manly stated that disgraceful ex-priest Lynn Caffoe "has not been laicized. Now if he has, it's news to me."

Well, the "news" is that Lynn Caffoe was laicized in January of 2006.

2. Attorney John Manly stated, "[Abuser] Michael Baker still not laicized."

The truth: Michael Baker was laicized on December 5, 2000.

3. Attorney John Manly stated his belief that children are still being abused "every damn day" by priests in the Los Angeles archdiocese.  He also stated that the archdiocese continues to ordain "monsters" into the priesthood.

Manly did not provide any verifiable evidence to support these wild accusations.