The media swarmed Australian Archbishop Philip Wilson after his conviction in May 2018
[Big HT: MercatorNet.]
When Archbishop Philip Wilson of Adelaide, Australia, was convicted earlier this year of concealing an alleged case of child abuse from 42 years ago, media across the globe went hysterical. It was an international story with headlines everywhere.
Yet when a judge overturned Wilson's crazy conviction a few weeks ago, the media suddenly found other stories more worthy to report.
The New York Times made sure that Wilson's sentencing was prominently reported in its A section. Yet when Wilson was acquitted months later, the most the Times could do was bury a measly wire story on its web site.
And then there was the Boston Globe
By now it should go without saying that the Boston Globe – whose hatred of the Catholic Church remains unsurpassed – was among those who played up Wilson's conviction but ignored his acquittal:
• Wednesday, July 4, 2018, page A4:
• Tuesday, July 31, 2018, page A5:
Yet there were no such headlines in the Globe when Wilson was acquitted. Like the Times, the Globe carried a wire story on its web site that almost no one saw.
Surely the words of Judge Roy Ellis at Wilson's acquittal may have played a role in the Globe's decision to bury the big news. Ellis' words cut right to the heart of the corruption in today's media landscape:
"In practice, complying with the legal principles may well result in a verdict that is perhaps inconsistent with media or community expectations, given more recent trends in public and media opinion.
"But if the verdict is a true representation of justice … then it is community or media expectations that must be dashed, not the hopes of an individual that he or she will receive a fair trial."
Yes, justice should be meted out according to the truth, not according to the "trends in public and media opinion."
What a unique concept.
Regarding those "trends in public and media opinion", this judge has resisted the expectation to just go along with the trend. Maybe it is linked to the mantra of "believe the victim". Yet any discerning judge could see the dangers in such a mindset. Because if we always believe the victim… then it follows that we always assume the guilt of the accused person. This would demolish a crucial principle of western justice…namely that the defendant must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Some bigots think that such a derangement of due process would only apply to Catholic clerics .And would never be used against the rest of us. Really?….well have you ever heard of the "MeToo" movement?. The dynamic pushing that along also depends upon the catchcry…. "believe the victim"?. And those settlements we have been told about may only the tip of the iceberg?.
Malcolm, Why do you find it so necessary to slander those who seek the truth from your Church? It's either witch-hunt, anti-catholic, media accusations or your preferred "bigots". By definition you are the perfect example of a bigot. We only seek fair justice for abused victims.
bigot(def.) – a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
Slander refers to spoken defamatory statements; I think you meant libel.
Just sayin’…
Dan, I am wondering what you think about the hundreds of pedophile clergy sex abuse cases recently uncovered in the Independent Fundementalist Baptist Churches in an investigative report by the Fort Worth Star Telegram? This is one of the stories: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/community/fort-worth/article222807340.html
Could you please explain to me why you catholics think that pointing out others sins somehow excuses or rationalizes the horrible mortal and unforgivable sins against children perpetrated by your priests, bishops, and cardinals? There are no excuses for these repetitive sins of child molesting performed by a hierarchy claiming to be the Holy and True Church of the Almighty God. You can point out any and all of the other perverts in the world, and that changes absolutely nothing in regards to the unforgivable guilt of your cult. That's period!!
P.S. My God hates sin, and as His follower I hate sin, whether it's in your Church or any other false religions, Hollywood, Boy Scouts, public or private schools or any in other situation, especially when those sins harm innocent children. That's period!!
You seem to be grotesquely unaware of the raison d'être for this blog. The Media Report’s scope is not to point fingers towards all the other organizations where these awful acts are committed, nor to excuse the (very few) Catholics who are guilty of committing them.
TMR simply points out the Media bias towards the Catholic Church, substantiated by:
1) the hysterical coverage of (often old and already addressed) instances of children’s abuse perpetrated by some Catholics, while it is almost completely silent to report the same issues in other institutions
2) the rush to believe and sensationalize all and any accusations against Catholic clergy, regardless of their factual reality, and the reticence to report the many instances where such accusations have been proven wrong
Ultimately, their crying wolf attitude serves no useful purpose when it comes to address and persecute the actual crimes, and only provides a disservice to the myriads of victims of other organizations (including your church, whatever it is), rarely acknowledged and swiftly swept under the rug.
What’s even sadder, your biased attitude plays directly into their end game, and you are not even aware of it.
And speaking of ignorance, I love your "(very few) Catholics guilty of committing" these awful acts. What planet are you from. Did your mommy take away or not allow you your TV, smartphone, radio, newspaper, magazines or books? You need to get out more and get your head out of the sand.
I struck a nerve, didn't I, Dan.
Hey Dave, Don't you think we're due for a forum of lies, cover-ups, deception and victim-blaming on Fr. McCloskey and maybe another on Argentine Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, protected and coddled by your Pope.
"Oh, what a wicked web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"
My question is when you catholics are going to stop the deceiving, Judgment Day? Maybe you would like to remind LLC that these crimes are not "(often old and already addressed) instances"{, of which apparently there are many more to come. servant of God
P.S. No Dave, I already no you don't have the guts to post this.
LLC, Very good comments. Dan, I am wondering if you are the same Dan who posts unhinged rants on a certain question and answer web site, whose posts I have to keep reporting. I don't mean to bash you and I don't want to do to you what you do to us as that is counterproductive, ugly and un-Christian. I will say a prayer for you and put an extra $50 in the collection plate in your honor. God bless you.
You "don't mean to bash" me, but you felt you would do so anyway by accusing me of being someone posting "unhinged rants". You catholics never fail to surprise me with your ignorance. Do you think slandering one for something they're not guilty of demonstrates some form of Christianity? Thank you, but I don't need or want your false blessing.
Thank you very much for your feedback, and the positive attitude you bring to this blog. It is a breath of fresh air, and a welcomed contrast to Dan’s. Surely you have a much more Christ-like attitude than most posters' (mine for sure – I am working on it…).
On a side note, have you noticed how, when he lacks a coherent response, Dan resolves to offensive and puerile language? Libel (not slander, Dan – that’s for spoken words) and argumenta ad hominem are his favorite “mode d’expression”.
Another common trait is the presumption of knowing better than everyone else. It is blatant when the topic is the justice process, but even in smaller details, like when, confronted by your kind offer to make a donation in his behalf, the reply was that he (Dan) would do a better job choosing the “deserving” poor. Instead of the “undeserving” ones, I guess. Alas, Dan is a gift that keeps on giving.
Have a blessed New Year, and thank you again for the article from the Commonwealth Magazine.
Dan, I gave you a blessing anyway; I am going to put money in the collection plate in your honor, and I am going to pray for you and continue to give you blessings. Smile. Life is short! If you have Jesus in your heart, you don't need to hate. God bless you.
Whatever you like regarding your blessings, but I'd prefer you donating the $50 to me and I'll give it to the deserving poor, rather than you funding the defense of the sexually immoral hierarchy of your Church. servant of the Lord
P.S. Why must you catholics believe that I hate? I don't waste my energy to hate, especially towards those brainwashed by the religion.
Dan, The money I gave to the church in your honor IS going to the poor.
God bless you, my friend.
Thank you very much for your feedback, and the positive attitude you bring to this blog. It is a breath of fresh air, and a welcomed contrast to Dan’s. Surely you have a much more Christ-like attitude than more posters' (mine for sure – I am working on it…).
On a side note, have you noticed how, when he lacks a coherent response, Dan resolves to offensive and puerile language? Libel (not slander, Dan – that’s for spoken words) and argumenta ad hominem are his favorite “mode d’expression”.
Another common trait is the presumption of knowing better than everyone else. It is blatant when the topic is the justice process, but even in smaller details, like when, confronted by your kind offer to make a donation in his behalf, the reply was that he (Dan) would do a better job choosing the “deserving” poor. Instead of the “undeserving” ones, I guess.
Alas, Dan is a gift that keeps on giving. Have a bless New Year, and thank you again for the article you cited from the Commonwealth Magazine.
Apologies to everyone, my post was uploaded twice. I will be more careful in the future.