H-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y: SNAP National Director David Clohessy
According to an unhinged media statement by SNAP National Director David Clohessy, Penn State University's removal of a commemorative statue of legendary football coach Joe Paterno is not nearly enough punishment.
According to the hysterical Clohessy, the mere name of the deceased coach should be scrubbed from "everywhere on campus," as if the guy never even existed in the first place.
The hypocrisy of it all
By Clohessy's own standard, Clohessy should ban public mention of his own name!
As we have reported several times before, David Clohessy has admitted that he did not report his own brother Kevin to the police even though he suspected Kevin was abusing innocent kids and admittedly knew "for years about the allegations."
Clohessy's inaction was no different than that of Joe Paterno. In fact, one could argue that Clohessy's inaction was much, much worse, considering that Clohessy did not call the police even while he was a leader at a supposed victims' advocacy group, SNAP. Surely, no one more than Clohessy himself should have known better to call the police, as he often frequently lectures the Church to do. But he didn't.
The hypocrisy is glaring, and it has been over a decade since the media has even reported this alarming episode. Meanwhile, media outlets continue to give a Clohessy an open, challenge-free microphone to spew hate and criticism upon others who acted exactly as he did.
[See also: **TheMediaReport.com Special Report** Facts About SNAP That Will Shock You]
All the SNAP people are hypocrites.
You are so correct here! Clohessy is just pretending he cares about abuse outside of the Catholic Church, and is using a high-profile case to do it. He has demonstrated over and over again that he doesn't. His inaction regarding his brother does not surprise me. He's all about agenda and keeping SNAP in the news. The hypocrisy of SNAP is glaring, yet anti-Catholics don't see it.
Let's see…$60 million fine against an entire university, a decade of wins expunged depriving at least a thousand totally innocent players of the fruits of their trainning and career in college, and a host of other punishments levied against people who share not the slightest blame save for existing in the wrong place at the wrong time. When the Czech resistance assassinated Rienhart Heydrich the enraged SS simply picked the village nearest the incident and shot every military aged male in Lidice. In the same hysterical tenor of blanket punishment, why stop at just pulling down statues and striking names? Why not randomly pick every tenth person in the nearest town–State College–and tar and feather them? Or maybe Clohessy, the "baby with the bathwater" NCAA, and all the other witch-hunters might get some other inventive ideas from the descendents of the survivors at Lidice; they're experts at what is wrought by collective punishment.
Once again, this Clohessy gambit demonstrates a point that has always concerned me: we have to ask the Question 'What sort of a government will it take to implement this demand?'.
SNAP is only one glaring example of the now-widespread public tendency to imagine that if there's something they want changed, then 'the government' must simply do what they want right away.
But the Question has to be then asked: What sort of government will it take to do that? Or, more acutely: What sort of government will ours become if it starts trying to accede to all these demands?
Lastly, it has occurred to me recently that the entire SNAP operation is not only Oz-like because it gives the appearance of being far more influential and competent than it really is.
Rather, it seems to me that this organization has to have some other forces behind it. Clohessy has already admitted under oath that he knows and does virtually nothing in the management of SNAP, although he is officially the CEO. And according to him, 'Barbara' takes care of all that stuff – which makes Barbara Blaine either one heck of a busy corporate boss or else implies that there are other forces that hold this 'group' together from the outside, like scaffolding.
I'm looking forward to seeing the transcript of her still-to-happen Deposition in that case in Kansas.